Laboratory Test Detail

Last Updated: July 27, 2024 @ 9:13 am



  • One SST

Also Acceptable:
  • One Green Top (Li Heparin)
  • One Lavender (EDTA)
  • One Pink Top (EDTA)
  • One Red Top
  • 1 mL (Min:0.5 mL) Serum . Submit Refrigerated. Submit in a Standard Transport Tube.

Also Acceptable:
  • 1 mL (Min:0.5 mL) Plasma . Submit Refrigerated. Submit in a Standard Transport Tube.
Special Handling:
  • Allow specimen to clot completely at room temperature
  • Avoid Repeated Freeze/Thaw Cycles
  • For patients receiving therapy with high biotin doses (>5 mg/day), no laboratory test specimen should be collected until at least 8 hours after the last biotin administration.
  • Due to the risk of cross reactivity, the Estradiol assay should not be used when monitoring Estradiol levels in patients being treated with Fulvestrant. Interference leads to falsely elevated Estradiol results. An alternative method such as LC-MS (ESTRADIOL, ULTRA Test-93162), which is not expected to show cross reactivity to Fulvestrant, should be used to measure Estradiol concentrations and assess the menopausal status of these patients.
Stability:Ambient: 12 Hour(s); Refrigerated: 2 Day(s); Frozen: 6 Month(s); Incubated: Unacceptable
  • Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA)
Reported:1-3 Day(s)
CPT Codes:
  • 82670
Interpretive Data:

Estradiol Reference Ranges:
Adult Male: <=52.2

Female Reference Ranges:
26.7-156 Follicular phase
48.1-314 Ovulation phase
33.1-298 Luteal phase
<25-49.9 Postmenopause
154-3065 1st trimester pregnancy
1561-18950 2nd trimester pregnancy
10030-30000 3rd trimester pregnancy

Biotin in specimens taken from patients on high-dose biotin therapy or supplements may intefere with this test and cause inaccurate test results. It is recommended that for patients receiving therapy with high biotin doses (> 5 mg/day), no laboratory test specimen should be collected until at least 8 hours after the last biotin administration.
  • 2231 - ESTRADIOL
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